Larger gutter install Asheville
K style gutter profile measurements
6 inch gutter installation Asheville

Available in 5, and 6 inch profiles, K style gutters are by far the most popular gutters for installation due to their strong profile and ability to carry high volumes of water away from the house quickly and efficiently.

Our 5 inch and 6 inch K style profiles are seamless gutters and can be cut to the exact measurements and specifications of your house. Options are available in aluminum, copper, and galvalume. Standard gutter coils are 0.027 inches thick (which is thicker than the gutters available at your local hardware store). We also have options with thicker guage gutter coil at 0.032 inches.

K Style Gutter Installation

Colors We Currently Offer

Color chart for Blue Mountain Gutter Co. with various shades including black, musket brown, royal brown, dark bronze, and others, plus special order options.
Copper K style gutters

Copper K Style Gutters (special order)

Galvalume K Style Gutters

Galvalume K Style Gutters (special order)

& Gutter Replacement

Seamless Gutter Installation

So what sets us apart from other gutter companies?


Quality gutters start with quality materials.

We only buy our gutter materials from reputable sources of high quality aluminum. We never buy from discount suppliers. Our gutter coil and downspouts come from two primary sources:

Our standard internal gutter brackets / hangers are Raytec Hangtite Hidden Hangers, the strongest hidden hangers in the industry.

Most gutter companies install their hangers every 24 to 36 inches. We install gutters with hangers every 18 inches. This protects your gutters from being pulled off the side of your house by the weight of heavy snow, ice, or gutter clogs from lack of cleaning.

hidden hangers every 18 inches

We exclusively use Geocel 2320, a tripolymer sealant which is considered the “gold standard” of gutter caulk. This sealant will ensure that your gutters will stay leak free for years to come.

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